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We offer 24-hour support on weekdays and on-demand support during weekends.

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Document360 premium support

With this offering, you’ll enjoy priority access to expedited support service and response times, ensuring your issues are addressed promptly.

We will allocate a dedicated support expert to work closely with you to provide personalized guidance.

Premium Support
Regular Support
Scope Applicable for subscribed Document360 customers Applicable for all Document360 customers
Support Window 24/5 + weekend support (3.30 am – 5.30 pm) GMT 24/5
Mode Chat, email, helpdesk ticket Email, helpdesk ticket
Prioritized ticket routing for faster support Yes No
Designated technical account manager Yes No
Expert advice Consultative review and guidance from the experts Contextual to use cases
Proactive support Suggestions and alternatives from the experts No
SLA – Response time

Critical business impact: < 1 hour

Moderate business impact: < 2 hours

Minimal business impact: < 4 hours

*during support window only

Critical business impact: < 1 hour

Moderate business impact: < 4 hours

Minimal business impact: < 8 hours

*during support window only

That’s not all.

Premium support gives you exclusive access to resources, including advanced troubleshooting guides, webinars, and personalized training sessions. 

Upgrade to Premium Support today for the ultimate support experience.

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